Prayer & meditation
Ongoing Prayer Opportunities
Today's seekers are often looking for meaningful, low-obligation experiences. At the Benedictine Center, the Sisters' rhythm of daily prayer inspires unique possibilities for connection. Sisters and facilitators hold open a space, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. Women and men with any level of experience can then drop-in when it works works with their schedules and needs. Most […]
2025-02-07: Centering Prayer Retreat
With Laurie Erickson and Gwen Pickering
Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina Retreat In this silent retreat, you will experience a time of profound silence and praying the Scriptures as you enter into a deeper relationship with God and self. This retreat blends a rhythm of centering prayer, lectio divina, and prayer with the monastic community. There will be some time for […]
2025-03-14: Centering Prayer & Welcoming Prayer
With Mary Lapham and Gwen Pickering
Centering Prayer and Welcoming Prayer Retreat In Centering Prayer, we consent to God's presence and action in stillness. In the Welcoming Prayer, we consent to God's presence and action in ordinary, everyday settings. Both of these prayers help us to deepen our relationship with God and dismantle the emotional programs of the false-self system and […]