Ongoing Prayer Opportunities

Open Dates

By donation

Today’s seekers are often looking for meaningful, low-obligation experiences. At the Benedictine Center, the Sisters’ rhythm of daily prayer inspires unique possibilities for connection. Sisters and facilitators hold open a space, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. Women and men with any level of experience can then drop-in when it works works with their schedules and needs. Most of these opportunities are made available for freewill donations.

Daily Prayer with the Sisters

Guests are always welcome to join the Sisters for daily prayer – morning (8a) / midday (11:30a) / evening (5p). Eucharist is celebrated at 11a on Sunday, and 11:30a Tu/We/Th. Come, let us pray. Call 651.777.8181 or for the schedule.

Virginia-Matter-handsWeekly Centering Prayer (Wednesdays, 6:30-7:20a)

Centering Prayer is a form of prayer that takes practice. Each week the Monastery hosts a time for those seeking to strengthen their practice of centering prayer under the guidance of S. Virginia Matter OSB. Walk-ins are welcome, but connecting with S. Virginia in advance will help her be watchful for you. This may be especially helpful to those coming for the first time. Freewill offering.

Taize-CrossTaizé Prayer (Third Fridays, 7p)

Taizé prayer uses simple chants based on the Scriptures and periods of silence to create an environment for encountering the mystery of God. This time of quiet, gentle communal prayer can help dispel the accumulated burdens of the week and free one for the renewal of a weekend. No registration necessary. Walk-ins welcome.

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