Sheryl Lyndes Stowman, M. Div.

Sheryl Lyndes Stowman, M. Div., she/her, has had a lifelong love of the mysterious and creative Presence we often call the Divine or True Nature.  This brought her early in life into the Christian ministry and following a Christian contemplative path.  She spent 33 years as a Clinical Pastoral Educator/Chaplain guiding ministers in personal and professional development.  This is where she delved deeply into psychological understandings of personality and spiritual development.  She also trained in spiritual guidance from an eco-feminist perspective and has practiced as a spiritual director since 1998Drawn to the wisdom and integration of Diamond Approach 17 years ago, she has been an active student and currently is an ordained teacher-minister in this spiritual path as well. 

Upcoming Programs by Sheryl Lyndes Stowman, M. Div.

2024-05-31 Sand, Symbol and Source

May 31 - June 1, 2024

SAND, SYMBOL AND SOURCE  A Soul Exploration  We can come toward our own souls with a curious adventurousness, much like we would if we were traveling in a new country or solving a mystery.  What’s here?  What haven’t I noticed before? How am I feeling my heart’s desire or sensing my gut instincts as I […]