Laurie Erickson
Laurie is open to receive new spiritual directees.
I remember my first spiritual direction session, the acceptance and non-judgmental listening, without a need to fix or change me. I felt truly heard and seen, able to speak out the heartbreak in my heart. God loves us ‘imperfections’, wounds and all. Encountering the stories of Jesus and listening for the Holy Spirit is life giving and sustaining. Being together is healing.
I love to listen with others to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit. Noticing where God’s presence and action within is coming alive, or being very quiet. Sometimes we encounter difficult and or disturbing situations and we have a hard time seeing where God’s love, comfort and peace is. Together we can listen, be curious and discover God’s healing balm and Jesus’ loving presence. If you are yearning to discern God’s presence and will in your life, please contact me for a free initial session.
More: I was trained as a Spiritual Director at Christos Spiritual Formation Center in Lino Lakes. I encourage Centering Prayer or other contemplative practice to prepare one’s heart to listen for God’s guidance and direction. I enjoy using bio-spiritual focusing as another way to listen deeply to God’s presence through the body. God speaks to us through our bodies, as we attune our listening, we begin to hear the Holy guidance. I have also been trained at Sacred Ground to facilitate the Extended Ignition Exercises. I am also a retreat leader for Centering Prayer and other contemplative body practices. I have 2 adult sons, 3 step-adults and seven grandchildren.
I would be honored to walk with you on your faith journey.
Category: Spiritual Direction Staff