Kami Pohl
(Kami Pohl is open to receiving new spiritual directees at this time.)
Kami Pohl received her training as a spiritual director from the Franciscan Spirituality Center (La Crosse, WI). Kami has experience in working on a church staff as Director of Community Engagement, in classroom teaching, in organizational development and training, and in being a full time Mom. In addition, she holds a master’s degree in human resource development from the University of Minnesota. She and her husband live in Plymouth and enjoy time with family, friends, taking long walks, listening to live music and reading.
Kami writes:
I am a mirror that follows the Light to notice, listen, connect, reflect and encourage. That is my short explanation for who I am as a spiritual director or companion. The longer story of my involvement with spiritual direction began in the fall of 2012 when I was going through a time of transition. Changes in my family and work helped me realize I did not feel that I was living out my call from God. I longed for my spiritual journey to be woven into the fabric of each ordinary day. Meeting with a spiritual director provided a place to unpack and examine my experiences with God.
Having someone else listen deeply was like having a mirror held up as I was speaking so that I might hear and notice God speaking to me through my own voice. I often find myself surprised by what I say in spiritual direction. These ah-ha moments feel like a gift dropped in my lap. While transformation and freedom have not happened overnight, month-by-month I continue my intention to be open to moving deeper with God. The slowing down while paying attention process of spiritual direction has helped me find a better balance between prayer and work most days. Along the way I am finding my voice. I have work that I see as a way of faithfully living out my calling, and I continue to sense my spirituality spreading into more areas of my daily existence. Over the years, I have found spiritual direction to be a key monthly spiritual practice along with centering prayer, lectio divina, worship and service. Having an attentive companion listen carefully to me, ask thoughtful questions, and help me notice God at work in my life has been a rich gift that I am delighted to share with others.
My personal experiences continue to shape me as a spiritual director. Becoming a Benedictine oblate has strongly influenced my daily rhythm. My years working at a church allow me to accompany others who work in churches or seminaries with deeper understanding. I also find a strong connection with those I meet with who might be finding their way back to faith after a long absence. I believe we are all spiritual people, but it may look different because of varied life experiences. We have much to learn from each other. Finally, my time as a full time wife and mom helped me discover for myself that all of life is part of the spiritual journey if we pause, notice and reflect.
I continue to find purpose and meaning daily by walking with others as they seek to go deeper on their spiritual journeys. This is a journey I am making as well. The sacred conversation includes so much – listening as people share where they are noticing God in their daily lives, reflecting on times of light and spiritual growth as well as times that seem dark and dry, exploring together how a certain spiritual practice might be a way to humbly place ourselves in a position to hear from God or how taking care of our bodies through movement might draw us closer to God. I consider it a sacred honor to remind each person I meet with that they are beloved, called and chosen by God. Letting that good news wash over and into us is a way we might accept the invitation to a life of vitality and abundance with God.
Category: Spiritual Direction Staff