Gwen Pickering

Gwen is is accepting new directees.

Given the fact that I have ADHD, failed second grade, and struggled through the early years of school, it is a surprise even to me that I have a masters degree in counseling.

After many years of leading marriage retreats with my husband and teaching about relationships, I heard God call me to the ministry of Spiritual Direction. I was being called to switch from helping people with their relationships with one another to helping them grow in their relationship with the Divine.

I answered the call and enrolled in a program to be a spiritual director at The Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse WI from 2016 to 2019.  Because Ignatian Spirituality, particularly the Exercises, have had a huge impact on my life, I also trained to lead the Ignatian Exercise through Sacred Ground in 2020.

I am fascinated by the dance between spirituality, psychology and science – especially quantum physics and neuroscience.   I have special interests in healing the unconscious, mindfulness, The Welcoming Prayer, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, the Ignatian Exercises, and the way our thoughts and emotions create our world.

Through Benedictine and Ignatian spirituality, I have come to know the radical love God has for each one of us.  I am deeply rooted in the Christian Contemplative Tradition and find God in all people, places and things. I am delighted to offer Spiritual Companionship to individuals from all walks of life, faiths, and practices.  I see people at my home in Eden Prairie or remotely.

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