School of Lectio Divina
With Kathleen Cahalan, Samuel Rahberg, Sister Virginia Matter, OSB and Sister Jacqueline Leiter, OSB
February 15 - 20, 2019
Christian in its origin and ecumenical in its scope
“It wasn’t what I wanted. It wasn’t what I expected. It was exactly what I needed.” John
The Benedictine Center of St. Paul’s Monastery’s School of Lectio Divina adapts the ancient monastic riches of sustained lectio divina to contemporary people. Through an intensive retreat experience set in the rhythm of life at St. Paul’s Monastery, participants receive teaching about lectio, spend time meditating on a sacred text significant for them, have the opportunity for individual spiritual direction, and participate in reflective conversation with other participants.
In addition, the Benedictine Center will provide a variety of on-going support activities and resources after the retreat to help participants make sustained lectio core to individual prayer and spiritual development. Limit 12. Apply online or email
Example Schedule
7:00a Shared Silence
7:30a Breakfast
8:00a Morning Prayer with the Monastic Community
8:30a Session 3: The Literal Voice
9:30a Break
9:45a Lectio Companions
11:30a Midday Prayer with the Monastic Community
12:00p Lunch
1:30p Session 4: Thoughts of the Body
2:40p Shared Silence
3:00p Break
3:20p Session 5: Thoughts of the Body (cont.)
4:30p Break
5:00p Vigil with the Monastic Community
6:00p Desert Practice
Application Process
Based on the observations of master teachers of lectio divina, this experience works best for those who have had some initial experience with the practice of lectio divina and seek to foster a commitment to sustaining it. Participants need to be comfortable with silence, willing to trust the process, and contribute to mutual learning. Familiarity with the Benedictine tradition is helpful, but not essential.
Because of the intense nature of this experience, we limit enrollment to 15 participants. The application process helps clarify expectations and enables the staff to determine whether there is a good match between people’s personal goals and backgrounds and the outcomes of this spiritual development process.
All information provided in the following application will be held in confidence. We review completed applications for the Schools of Lectio Divina on a revolving basis. You may use this form to apply for any upcoming School. Early applications will receive first consideration; once the retreat capacity is reached, a waiting list will be opened.
- Complete your application online. (Some guests find it easier to preview the questions, type their responses in another program, and then cut and paste when they are completely ready.)
- Provide two letters of recommendation to
- A $50 deposit will be requested of those who are accepted to a School of Lectio Divina.
Interested in a Shorter Version?
Consider the Condensed School of Lectio Divina Jul. 19-21, 2019.
Thanks to the generosity of Benedictine Center guests, some scholarship assistance is available. Please contact the Benedictine Center to learn about requesting support.
Sometimes a conversation with one of the team members can be helpful. Simple call 651.777.7251. Otherwise, email
About the Leaders

Kathleen Cahalan
Kathleen A. Cahalan is Director of the Collegeville Institute Seminars and Professor of Theology at Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary in Collegeville, Minnesota. She is the author of several books, most recently, Opening the Field of Practical Theology, eds. Kathleen A. Cahalan and Gordon Mikoski (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., […]
Learn more about Kathleen Cahalan
Samuel Rahberg
Sam Rahberg is former Director of the Benedictine Center and a spiritual director in St. Paul. He is author of Ice Break: A Collection of Poems (Aetos Publications, 2019), Enduring Ministry: Toward a Lifetime of Christian Leadership (Liturgical Press, 2017), and The Gospels in Poem and Image (Aetos Publications, 2016-2019). Sam has experience in parish ministry and holds a master's […]
Learn more about Samuel Rahberg
Sister Virginia Matter, OSB
(Sister Virginia is open to meeting with retreatants, but is no longer meeting with ongoing spiritual directees.) Virginia Matter, OSB is a member of St. Paul’s Monastery and came to the Center from the health care field. She worked in nursing and in pastoral ministry. Virginia has done significant preparation in the area of spirituality, […]
Learn more about Sister Virginia Matter, OSB
Sister Jacqueline Leiter, OSB
Jacqueline Leiter, OSB is a member of St. Paul’s Monastery and serves on the Leadership team as Monastery Treasurer. She has served as a teacher in the St. Paul Public Schools and is a spiritual director for the Benedictine Center. Sister Jacqueline is also an artist and photographer. One of her original works of art […]
Learn more about Sister Jacqueline Leiter, OSBCategories : Featured Event, Oblates, Prayer & meditation, Spiritual Direction